Tuesday, January 13, 2009


After school today my five year old daughter said, "Oh, Mom, thanks for the fruit snacks you put in my backpack. They were gross-good." (FYI, they were the yogurt-covered ones)

I said, "Huh? Gross-good. What's that mean?" Of course, thinking the whole time that it was some new-fangled word for totally delicious.

"You know, mostly good, but a little bit gross," she said.

Okay, great.

I've decided right now my WIP is gross-good. I like most of it, but there are a few parts that are giving me a major headache. *Sigh* Back to work.


  1. Yes, but is your WIP yogurt covered?

  2. Ha! That made me laugh out loud. And it's funny because I was just commenting on my blog today that PBs hardly ever make me laugh. Maybe I'm reading the wrong genre? :)

  3. Great snippet for future ms conversation?

  4. Gross-good, love it. My life is a little gross-good right now.

  5. Hm, your daughter's coined a new literary criticism - gross-good. This may catch on.

  6. Yeah, I know the feeling, girlfriend.

    I'm in a yummy, yogurt covered section of my book right now, but the gross part (In chapters 2 and 4) are taunting me. Being like, "Just wait till you have to revise us. We'll be all hard and sticky. Nya, nya."

  7. Kiersten, I wish.

    Corey, thanks. And yes, YA can be quite funny. MG too, I always laugh when I read my daughters books.

    Angie, did you change your pic? I was like, who is this new person visiting me that has the same name as Angie? LOL I like it.

    Nat, mine too.

    Joanne, I know I'm going to start using it. LOL

    Renee, that made me laugh. Don't even remind me about editing. I am not looking forward to that. That will be more like Gross-gross.

  8. Hmmm--that's one to write down and save and when she is older, pull it out and use it on her:))

  9. Pretty much anything worth while I consider "gross-good". Opposition in all things.......

  10. I love that! Aren't kids just succinct? She hit the nail on the head with that one. :)

    By the way, I've eaten those yogurt covered ones before. I think gross-good is a perfect description :P

  11. Gross-good is great. That sounds like something my girls would come up with! By the way, I tagged you on my blog, and if you start a family blog (or if you want to do it on here...) it is pretty fun!

  12. hahahah! i LOVE IT! So what are some things that are gross-good? Like, cleaning dishes. Well, basically cleaning anything gross-but then afterward soo good.

  13. I just laughed out loud!! Abby is stinkin hilarious!
