Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Can't ... Stop ... Reading ....

It started with "Green Rider". I hungrily devoured every word until all three books of the series were consumed. Then I moved on to "Hunger Games". Loved it!! I really need to write, but reading is one of my favorite things to do and it's been a while. So I'm going to take a break and read a few more books. Cindy Pon's "Silver Phoenix" is next on my list. It's waiting for me. Staring at me, in fact. I better go. :)

By the way, I'm on vacation so I might be absent for a while. Although, what's new? I've been pretty distant lately. Sorry.


  1. I have been reading a lot recently as well. I just keep finding all these good books. It is very hard to say no to a good book.

  2. Reading is good, though I am feeling a tad neglected:P Remember when you used to talk to me? Yeah, those were good times.

  3. Oooh, I want to read Silver Phoenix! You'll have to tell us what you think of it!

  4. I absolutely LOVED The Hunger Games! So excited for the sequel!

  5. I wish I could find time to read. Lately, I've just been so busy, I just haven't had time. My book mark has been marking chapter 14 for at least a fortnight now.

  6. When I first got back from my vacation, I was devouring 3 books a week. Didn't get much writing done, but it was relaxing to just enjoy other's words and not worry about creating my own. I was a big fan of Hunger Games, too, and it is making its way around my family now.

  7. Great. All I need is another book to get addicted to. LOL! I've been reading like crazy as well. Oh and guess what! i finished the edits of death--Persuaded! WAhooo! DON'T know why it took me so long... maybe cuz I moved, but they're done! YAY! now onto Emmalee! Jenni

  8. It feels like I go in cycles, switching back and forth: reading several books in a row and neglecting writing, then writing furiously and not reading a thing.

    Maybe it's time I switch to a reading phase because I'm dying to get my hands on The Hunger Games!

  9. Have fun with all the reading! It's the best.

  10. I've been bitten by the reading bug, too. I finished "Time traveler's wife" last week and dug into "Fahrenheit 451" right after that. Both are amazing books.

  11. I need to start reading again so that I can remember why I started writing in the first place.

  12. It feels like the only thing I'm reading these days are agent blogs--which is contrary to their purpose. If they knew they would sell less books by writing about them they would roll up their blog sidewalks in a New York minute.

  13. Amber, it is impossibly hard to say no to a good book.

    Nat, I'm sorry. I do remember when we used to talk. I miss it. I'm feeling very guilty. I'll get better. Really. :)

    Cindy, as soon as I'm finished I'll let you know. I'm about half way.

    Chantele, I didn't know there was a sequel when I started reading it, so I was a little disappointed that I had to wait. If I had known I would've waited to start the series until they were all written. But... sigh.... I guess I have to wait.

  14. Littlescribbler, yes, I know that feeling. Busy and reading cannot exist together. I hope you get past chapter 14 soon. :)

    Jessie, the first few books I read, I analyzed like crazy. But once I got into the relaxation of it all, I was able to enjoy them more. I really do love to read.

    Jenni, yay! I'm so glad you finished the death edits. And I'm glad they didn't kill you. :) But, yes, you do need to get addicted to the Hunger Games, because it was awesome. I read it aloud to my husband while we drove and even he liked it.

    Renee, I do the same thing. I either obsessively read or obsessively write. Does that say something about me? Am I a little to obsessive?
    (Yes, read the Hunger Games)

  15. Lois, I am remembering the truth to your statement. Sometimes I forget when I'm so wrapped up in writing.

    Terresa, Just in time for the movie! I agree, it's a good one.

    Patti, that's exactly why I did it. Reading also brings out my creative juices.

    Kathryn, thanks. It's been fun.

    Tricia, LOL Do you mean the reviews of books on agent blogs are making you not want to read them or do you mean that you're wasting so much time on agent blogs that you don't have enough time to read the books they're promoting?? Either way, that's funny stuff.

  16. I loved Silver Phoenix, it was such a fresh and different book than so many others out there. Hopefully you enjoy it!
