Monday, May 24, 2010

Maddeningly Unhelpful Advice-from a chocoholic

So I was telling a friend about the fact that even though I started my sugar detox with the intent of detoxing from sugar, I didn't really think it would work. I thought that after the five weeks I'd give myself a cheat day every now and again and still love the chocolate without have the intense need to keep eating it after a few bites. Well, it's only been 3 weeks, but I cheated. I had to have just one little taste of this chocolate cake that was sitting in my house for two days straight. And I did. And it tasted sooooo good. But after I ate it, something strange happened. It was like I had just eaten a bitter cotton ball. My mouth felt filmy and I had this acrid taste in the back of my throat for the next several hours. And then I was mad. How dare my detox diet actually work. I didn't want to hate chocolate. I just wanted to enjoy it occasionally.

So I was lamenting to a friend (yes, I'm a huge whiner) about how upset I was that I couldn't enjoy the benefit of sugar on occasion. That warm happy feeling it gave me without the nasty side effect of cotton-bitter mouth. And do you know what she said? She said, you can always inject it straight into your veins--it will give you the same feelings without the side effects. I told her she was going to be my maddeningly unhelpful advice today because that's just about the most unhelpful advice I've ever received. (But thanks for trying, Candi, you're the best)

Keep eating chocolate, it's good for you. :)


  1. Sigh...The same thing happened to me. Until I had PMS and my sugar taste buds came back.

  2. Um life without sugar=crazy talk
    Life without chocolate= metal breakdown

  3. Soda did that to me. Every time I sip it, I hiccup. I'm not a huge chocolate person, though.

    Good luck with the detox! ;)

  4. lol, that is prize winning advice. :)

  5. Didn't I tell you that this sugar detox thing was a bad idea?

  6. I'm sure a sugar detox would be good for me, but giving up chocolate? I'll grow wings first.

  7. Wow! I don't think I could give up sugar. I LOVE sugar and sweets!! Why are you doing this?!?!

  8. Because apparently I like self-torture, Karen. :) But in reality, because I'm completely addicted and I hate depending on something so much. (I've heard it might be good for me as well but the verdict is still out). :)

  9. In the past couple years, because of a variety of issues (including migraines), I've given up most of the things I used to love and have discovered exactly what you did, when you do go back and eat them, you don't want them anymore. I don't even miss chocolate (I know... sacrilege) or soda and I feel great. And also, think of how amazing it is that it only took three weeks for your body to jump on the plan. I really think our bodies know best if we just get out of their way. :)

  10. I wish I wasn't a huge chocolate person, but you've given me hope. I'm starting my sugar detox, wait.....okay now.
