Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday Review-The Voice

I tried to resist. "Self," I said, "You are not going to talk about The Voice on your blog because it will come off as an Adam Levine love fest." I listened to myself really well for one whole week.....until The Voice came on again. And then I said to myself, "Self, considering how much you talk about this subject ("this subject" being Adam) on twitter, people already know, they already know." So here I am. Talking about The Adam...I mean The Voice. I love this show. And surprisingly, my love for the show, goes beyond this guy:

(Not very far beyond this guy. I mean, look at him!)

I've decided that shows such as these really get me because, in a way, they remind me of trying to get published. You start with a dream that you've worked hard on, poured your soul into. It's a passion. Then you take that dream (by this point that dream is an actual book), write a query letter (or in their case, stand in front of four judges) and hope someone can hear your voice. Hope they can see your potential. Dream they'll want to help you reach that potential. So when that chair turns around (sorry, if you haven't seen The Voice, you probably won't get that) it makes my heart so happy for those people. And when it doesn't, I feel their pain. I've just really been so happy with this show.

If you've seen the show, do you like it? If not, what show do you love?

Next week, back to regularly scheduled programming (meaning, I might actually review a book).


  1. Oh my grown-up-and-happily-married-but-still-a-woman-who's-not-blind-goodness. Not only is he easy on the eyes, he's funny to boot. The show's pretty good too:)

  2. Adam Levine :)

    I love this comparison! I just watched an episode of The Voice yesterday because one of my favorite "groups", Elenowen, auditioned. The show is a really cool concept!

  3. I've never heard of the show. Great comparison, though. :D

  4. I haven't seen the show and I hadn't even heard of it until I saw a commercial last night. But I'll definitely have to check it out now. Interest piqued!

  5. I'm actually really liking this show. I must admit that I DID start watching because of Adam Levine (yum!) but it's pretty good!

  6. I don't watch a lot of t.v., but I love this show! Especially the guys! They are hilarious! And I agree about seeing the performers live their dream. I loved it when they pushed the button and turned their chairs around to see who they picked. It was fun how they fought over a couple of the performers as well. Can't wait until next week! :)

  7. You know how I feel about this subject. In heartbreaking news however, I accidently set my DVR to record something called TheVoice on E! What the heck!! I went to start my show and it wasn't there, so I only got to watch the last 30mins. I was so mad!!! It better be on hulu!!

  8. I've watched a bit of the show, and btw, totally agree with you on Adam Levine. I think I need to watch more, maybe I'll PVR it.

  9. The only place I've seen The Voice mentioned is in your tweets. Never heard of Adam Levine before that.

    So, I guess you're saying the show is worth watching? *grin*

  10. Yes! I've seen the show and love it! I know exactly what you mean when the chairs don't turn around. I can totally relate to what they're feeling.

  11. Ruth, lol Yes, what you said. Love it.

    KT, it's good, huh? And I had never heard of Elenowen before The Voice, but they were good, and super cute.

    Stina, thanks. And you should watch it. (just sayin') ;)

    Lori, You will love it. And have I mentioned the eye candy?

    Jamie, a woman after my own heart. It doesn't matter WHY we started watching, just that we like it now. :)

  12. Chantele, yes, it is so fun to see them fight over performers. Very entertaining. I'm a little worried about next week because we have to divide our time between the 4 judges and I fear I won't see enough Adam, but we'll see. :)

    Candi, that is the most heartbreaking news I've heard all day. If you lived here still, you could come over and watch it on my DVR...but alas, that is another heartbreaking event.

    Patti, please tell me what PVR means. :) I'm glad we're all in agreement that Adam is hot.

    Linda, Have I been tweeting about The Voice?? Hmm. I hardly remember mentioning it at all. :) Yes GO WATCH IT! :)

    Nicole, it's either total elation when they turn around or total devastation when they don't. Even the people who don't seem totally crushed and play it off like it's no big deal, I KNOW they're dying inside. And I'm dying for them. It's really an emotional rollercoaster of a show for me.

  13. I gave up TV when I started to write, which probably makes me boring. I haven't seen the Voice. But I did watch Veggie Tales with my son yesterday. The Voice is probably better.

  14. You know me, I'm watching and loving it!! Plus, since you and I have locked eyes with Adam, nothing is the same! I have to be careful not to talk about Adam in front of Jared anymore. LOL!!

  15. I was determined to resist, but you and Candi sucked me in... and I love it. BTW... Adam won me over when he started the first episode playing the drums and singing. I just melted into a drooling Jenn-puddle.

    Good thing he doesn't open every episode that way. I'd be in trouble.
