Wednesday, September 21, 2011

OH, I have to write, to write

Sometimes I'll think I forgot how write. I'll go a month or two and only write a hundred words here or a hundred there. And I'll think OH NO, it's happened, I forgot how to write a book. I'm doomed. Then last week I visited Ruth's and Chantele's blog where they both talked about setting goals and I was like, fine Universe, I hear you, I need to set a goal. And then I wrote 10K this week. I guess if I want to write a book I actually have to sit down and write. Go figure. So I didn't forget how to write, I just forgot how to force myself to write. I blame twitter. Can you twitter people just stop being so interesting so that I don't feel the need to read your tweets all the time. That would really help me a lot.

In other news, I finished my first round of edits! So happy. I'm always amazed at what a different perspective can pick up on. Every time someone (whether that be a beta or my agent or an editor) reads my book they pick up on something I hadn't. It just goes to show that we can never objectively read our own books. I'm so grateful for the many different people that have helped me shape my book.


  1. 10K?! Oh my freak!

    It really is amazing what can be accomplished when the work is put in. But distractions have a strong pull. Which is exactly why I haven't joined The Twitter. Yet.

  2. Every time I start something new, I feel like I have forgotten how to write. Great job this week! And I so agree about editing. It's so nice to have people see where the book could be better.

  3. OMG. I thought I was the only person who worried about forgetting how to write. So glad I'm not alone.

    Congrats on the 10k!

  4. Yay for writing, and for finishing the first round of edits! I agree totally about readers who help shape our books. Couldn't do it without them. :)

  5. Well put, I can completely relate to this (the forgetting part, not the writing part - so far). Congrats on what you've written and good luck moving forward!

  6. Dude. 10K?!?!?!

    *hangs head in shame* :-P

  7. 10K? Holy freak! I need to get writing! You are awesome! :)

  8. I'm pretty sure I've completely forgotten how to write while I'm querying. And 10K... I've only written that much in a week one time in my entire writing life.

  9. Wow, lotsa words! Was this on the dollhouse book?

  10. Ruth, yes, so amazing. And you should stay far far away from twitter (and bejeweled blitz).

    Angie, I know, isn't it a weird feeling to think we forget every time. It's like riding a bike though. :)

    Karen, you are soooo not alone. :) Every time I do it. And every single time I seem to forget about the last time I felt the same.

    Linda, readers are the best. :)

  11. Jenn, no hanging your head in shame. You're a little distracted at the moment. :)

    Chantele, thanks, it's been a while so it feels awesome.

    Candice, nah, you haven't forgotten. You'll remember again as soon as you do it. :)

    J.A., Me too! Thanks.

    Michelle, no it was on book 2 (which I'm so happy about because it needs to be written.) Dollhouse is actually done and waiting for me to edit it. :)

  12. Ah, sorry I haven't kept up! Either way, very cool. :)

  13. Michelle, :) I don't expect you to know exactly what book I'm working on. I smiled when you mentioned dollhouse because that meant that you remembered it. It wasn't a bad guess anyway because that's what I was working on until like two weeks ago.

  14. Can I PLEASE PLEASE read that book as a beta someday?

  15. Michelle, Aw, now you're just trying to make my day. :) Of course you can. It's sitting right now waiting for me to work on first round of edits with it. I've had to kind of put it on the back burner while I work on book 2. But it is definitely my next project. Speaking of reading. I'm going to review Monarch on my blog next Wednesday. It occurred to me that I hadn't reviewed it yet and I was very disappointed in myself. :)

  16. You're not obligated to review it. :)

    I'm very, very busy with my launch right now, but in a few weeks I should have plenty of time to read stuff if you're looking for a beta.

  17. You have no idea how comforting it is to see:

    "sometimes I'll think I forgot how to write."

    Thank you for sharing this with everyone. Seriously, I know that even though you've successfully written a novel which has gone on to be picked up by an agent and sold to an editor, that you're still human, with the same work-life balance issues we all face...

    It's just comforting to know I'm not alone!

  18. Liza, You have no idea how surreal it was for me to see "you're still human" in your comment. I looked behind me to make sure you weren't talking to someone else. That was strangely amazing. It made me realize I'd accomplished something. Thank you for making me feel special. But, you're right in your conclusion, I'm no different than you or any other writer. We all have to make time for the writing in our crazy lives. :)

  19. Sometimes I sit in front of my computer and wish the words in my head would just come out on the computer in complete sentences. Wouldn't that be nice?

  20. I was going to wish you congratulations on 10K, but then I remembered that I am your nemesis and perhaps this is a fact we might be forgetting.

    He-hem: Boo.

    Now that that's over, I have to agree with you on the other perspective thing. Good luck on edits.

  21. Patti, that would be the best. Will you work on that invention?? :)

    Jessie, I have not, nor ever will, forget this fact. I have been lulling you into a false sense of security. It is all part of my evil, cunning plan.

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