Monday, July 2, 2012

I've been hoarding ARCs

So, I have to confess, I've been hoarding ARCs (Advanced Reader's Copy). When I first started getting them I didn't pass them forward because I'd never gotten them before and I loved them and thought they were awesome. But I must stop. I need to share the love. And that is why......*choking sob*........I'm going to......*whimper*......give away my ARC of.....*clutches the book tightly*..... FEEDBACK by Robison Wells. It doesn't come out until October but I was lucky enough to score a copy from my editor when I was in New York. I read it last weekend, loved it dearly, and badly want to add it to my very special collection of ARCs. But I know in my heart of hearts that I must share.

So this is your chance to win an ARC of FEEDBACK. Now, because I hate to part with it, and I only want to do so for someone who loved VARIANT (book 1) as much as I did, there is going to be a requirement. You must tell me in the comments section what you loved most about VARIANT. I will pick my favorite. (If you didn't read VARIANT, hurry, you have a week.)  I also don't like being in charge of picking because I know I'm going to love all of your answers. So if it ends up being too hard or there are too many similar answers, I reserve the right to use a random pick site. :) Good luck! You want to win this book.

Also, I'm not officially giving "extra" entries for tweeting/blogging/sharing this contest. But since it is a subjective contest, your enthusiasm might influence the judge....just sayin'.

This contest ends Sunday, July 8th, at midnight. The winner will be announced next Monday.

Warning: Major spoilers for book 1, VARIANT, in the comments section. If you haven't read VARIANT do not read comments. :)


  1. I think I'd rather tell you what I hated about Variant. I hated that Benson gets fooled into believing his life is going to be better at the new school. I hated all the twists that kept me flying through page after page to see what would happen. I really, really hated the cliffhanger ending. How could you do that to us Rob? But most of all I hate that I had to wait for the next book. Please alleviate some of my hate Kasie and pick me.

  2. I read Variant in one day and must admit that I threw it across the room when I got the end. How dare he end it on a cliff hanger. But after a few weeks I calmed down and now I'm very excited this one is coming out.

  3. It's good to know I wasn't the only one with very negative feelings toward Robison Wells at the end of VARIANT. The things I loved most about VARIANT were the things that just kept making me say, "What the?!!" Like Jane dying. Then Jane being a robot. Then characters turning on each other. I too read it in one day and cursed myself for reading it with so many months before FEEDBACK came out.


    My favorite part of VARIANT was how shockingly different it was from what I expected. The ending was one of those that just slams you in the gut and leaves you clawing at a sequel. I can see how the ending inspires hate in Wells (and I must admit I, too, considered hurling the book across the room) but to write something truly unique and edgy is quite a feat. I still can't get some of those scenes out of my head. Especially all the blood. So much blood.

    Im not above bribing you either, Kasie. *tempts with more chocolate covered oreos*


    My favorite part of VARIANT was how shockingly different it was from what I expected. The ending was one of those that just slams you in the gut and leaves you clawing at a sequel. I can see how the ending inspires hate in Wells (and I must admit I, too, considered hurling the book across the room) but to write something truly unique and edgy is quite a feat. I still can't get some of those scenes out of my head. Especially all the blood. So much blood.

    Im not above bribing you either, Kasie. *tempts with more chocolate covered oreos*


    My favorite part of VARIANT was how shockingly different it was from what I expected. The ending was one of those that just slams you in the gut and leaves you clawing at a sequel. I can see how the ending inspires hate in Wells (and I must admit I, too, considered hurling the book across the room) but to write something truly unique and edgy is quite a feat. I still can't get some of those scenes out of my head. Especially all the blood. So much blood.

    Im not above bribing you either, Kasie. *tempts with more chocolate covered oreos*

  7. I loved the classic sci-fi feel of people-who-are-really-robots. I loved that the ending took my breath away. I particularly loved the moment when Mrs. what's-her-name says, "you think this about you? We're testing the units." (I paraphrase.) Oh, and Benson quoting movies. I love that.

  8. I STILL haven't read VARIANT. I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't.

  9. I'm assuming it's only for America? Even so, I will state what I love about Variant because I think it's an AWESOME AWESOME BOOK.

    Here are the whys:

    The book caught me completely by surprise. I knew something bad was going, but I could never figure out where the story was heading and why they were doing all the crazy stuff to these kids. Sure, I thought of weird scientific experiments. But the whole reason was to create an environment to TEST robots? That was ingenious! They didn't care about those teens, but seeing if the robots blended in like they should. I'm usually very good at predicting things, and for once I was completely wrong and utterly clueless. That never happens!

    The suspense! The book was written in such a way it killed me. You knew bad stuff would happen, but you weren't sure what. And what I found really refreshing about the book was that the MC was smart. Usually readers would be ahead of the characters and you'd scoff and wonder why the silly characters don't pick it up already. Benson actually asked all the right questions a smart person would ask, instead of bumbling along and getting trapped in stupid situations. It was incredibly refreshing.

    Lastly I think, there were just so many twists. I was surprised at who the book killed off. I could have sworn I knew exactly who the love interest for Benson would be, and boy, it turned out differently than I thought.

    I seriously recommend this book to anyone!

  10. I loved the very beginning when all the kids are looking out the windows waving their arms at him. And then I loved everything else too. Seriously one of my favorite reads in a very long time!

  11. I loved the first paintball scene for a few reasons. I like that it gave me my first real glimpse into what might be going on with this creepy school. That's where I began putting together my first theory about what was up. But the bigger reason is because I knew as soon as I read it that I could put it into the hands of every twelve-year-old boy I knew and that they would LOVE it. So that's what I did. I bought five copies during Rob Well's book bomb and I gifted them to my son's friends plus his middle school library in the hopes of creating new Rob Wells fans. And the other part I read that I loved was the twist at the end with the girl in the barn because I was like, "WHAT?!" and I slammed the book down on the floor in the best possible way because I was so mad I had to wait for the next one and that is why I would dearly love to win it and be put out of the misery of waiting.

  12. Oh, tough choice! There's the foil cover, and of course the twist at the end that Melanie mentioned . . .

    But I think my favorite part was what happened immediately after I finished the book. The tag line is "Trust no one." When I turned off my Kindle, I laid down next to my husband of several years. I couldn't even look at him I was so freaked out.

    (And then there's the after-after the fact, when I Tweeted about that and Rob RTed me.)

  13. Oh gosh. I can't possibly summarize what I loved about Variant in a few short lines. May I give you my review? That's as short as I can possibly go! Apologies if this is too much.

    You really can’t trust anyone in this book. As much as you want to trust people, you’re better off assuming that everyone is against you. In this brilliantly plotted novel, Robinson Wells brings to life the nightmare that most every child has of boarding school: it’s a prison where the students are lab rats. Only, it’s no ordinary prison, as you’ll soon learn. It is a prison in which everyone is against each other in a game of survival.

    I would never want to be in Benson’s position, just saying. If I were Benson, I wouldn’t like any of the things I liked in the set up, but I can say what I like because I’ve never been there. I like how Wells set up the boarding house with its stark lack of teachers, its strange curriculum, and the prison environment. The imagery is bleak and vivid, but Benson’s wit and strength comes through it all. He applied for the school in the hopes of making a life for himself, but he finds himself in a horrifying game where he must play high stakes to survive.

    I never knew where Wells and Benson would take me. No matter how much I guessed or hoped, something else happened, something I would never have concluded from prior events. If anything, the mystery grew thicker and the conclusion more indeterminable as I progressed through the book. And you know what the worst of it is? We have to wait for the sequel to find out more.
