Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl!....and the commercials.

Yes, I'm a football fan. And as a born and raised Californian, you might have guessed that I was rooting for the Niners last night. And by rooting I mean screaming at the television, yelling at the refs, jumping out of my seat on several occasions. I may or may not be more vocal than my husband when watching sports. I may or may not have found this out while watching my daughter's basketball game a couple weeks ago. But let's not go there. And let's not talk about the outcome of last night's game either. I'm still slightly upset about that. Let's talk about another aspect of the Super Bowl that I love: the commercials. I have my winners in several categories. So if you didn't get to see the commercials, here is my recap for you.

Most "made me want to write a new YA novel" goes to the Audi commercial:

Most "made my sister-in-law laugh for five minutes which made me laugh for five minutes" goes to the Doritos goat commercial:

Most "made me want to go buy a farm because I was super inspired" goes to the Dodge Ram commercial:

Most "made me laugh because it was funny and smart and I love Amy Poehler" goes to the Best Buy commercial:

What were your favorite commercials??


  1. I didn't like the Audi commercial very much, to be honest. For one thing, are we supposed to feel sorry for a guy not having a date to prom? GUYS ask to Prom. So the fact that he doesn't have a date just means he was lazy. He's a good looking guy, I'm sure there were TONS of girls sitting at home that night, who would have been happy to go with him. But I guess they aren't hot enough for him? Because OF COURSE the girl *he* wants is the popular/hottest girl in school/Prom Queen. Never mind the sweet, smart, shy girl in his European History class.

    *takes a breath*

    (*gives inner pep talk* It's just a commercial, Renee. Don't unpack your demons from High School . . .)

    Anyway, that's just my opinion. ;)

    1. Ha! See, I took it more as the girl he asked said no so he was going to throw caution to the wind and go kiss the hottest girl in school as he consolation. :) Like the car made him have way more confidence than he has ever had. Like he had never even thought about that before but the car made him do it.

      But, that's me filling in backstory that wasn't there. lol

  2. Or even more likely, after watching the commercial again, his date canceled last minute. I mean he had the flower thing for his suit and everything. You only have that if you have a date.

  3. Interesting analysis, Kasie. I MUCH prefer to envision it your way. That works for me. :)

    I guess I just have this knee-jerk reaction of eye rolling and NON-sympathy or the Poor Widdle Cute Guy who Just Wants to Wuv the HotPopular Girl. I'm like, "LOOK AT THE SMART GIRL IN YOUR ENGLISH CLASS. SHE MAY NOT BE THE OBJECT OF THE ALPHA MALE FIGHT FOR DOMINANCE, BUT SHE'S REALLY COOL." *pants* *clears throat.*

    1. Totally get your point! The commercial definitely wasn't perfect. It just made my brain start thinking, that's what I loved about it. :) And the boy was super cute. Ha.

    2. Very true. The commercial *did* tell a story. You have to give it that.

      Plus, yes, super cute guy makes most things better. :)

    3. I loved that audi commercial all the way to end and thought, "Of course it's the prom queen." It would have been so much cooler if it had been a normal girl.

  4. I didn't like that Audi commercial at all! But from a different point of view. I think we need less cavemen strutting up and violating girls' personal space and calling it charming. The girl swooned from the kiss as though she was okay with having something taken without any "hi, how are ya?" How would we feel about the kiss if he weren't cute and feeling cocky about his car? If the girl had pushed him away and not been struck vapid by the power of his amazing kiss? He came there to take something, not to give something. Isn't it fascinating how differently we all see an event... we might be writers. :)

    But I loved the Farmer commercial. I got all choked up. :)

    1. Again, I filled in the backstory there. I imagined they had known each other outside this meeting. Maybe they had flirted. Ha. See, like I said, the commercial had me writing a story in my head. I was okay with girl turning swoony over cute boy kissing her. ;)

      But yes, the farmer commercial! Brilliant.

  5. Coming from an agriculture region my favorite was the dodge ram commercial. It reminded me of all those talks my parents and grandparents used to give me about working in the fields and the ethics of hard work. Still have farmers in the family too. Awhile back one of them brought me 30 pounds of oranges so that's a nice perk of knowing farmers :-)

    1. Loved the farmer commercial so much. Love them emphasizing hard work and ethics. Made me happy. And 30 pounds of oranges? Awesome. :)

  6. As a non-American, the best part about the Super Bowl is the commercials. Why can't we have awesome commercials all the time? I might actually watch them.

    I think my favourite commercial was the Doritos ad - hilarious! The Best Buy commercial is a close second :)

    Thanks for sharing all these!

  7. My favorite was listed after the dorito commercial: (dogs with human hands feeding them chips. Hit a vein somehow.)
