Monday, September 15, 2008


Many of you have asked why the template for my blog is Arizona scenery.  After all, I am a California girl, born and raised.  Okay, actually nobody asked about the template.  Why don't you people ask about my template??  Sorry, I'm known to whine on occasion.  Well, since I have now forced you to ask yourself, I will now proceed to tell you.  This blog is a tribute to my books and my books, well part of my books, take place in the coolest little town in Arizona.  Before I started writing my first book I had never even been to Arizona (unless you count the little corner you have to drive through on the way to Utah).  So, I did a lot of internet research, viewed a lot of pics and started writing.  Since writing, I went to visit and let me tell you that pictures don't do Arizona justice.  In my personal, completely unbiased, opinion, Arizona is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been in my life.  Sure, I've never been anywhere before, I'm just kidding, I've been lots of places and the landscape in Arizona is amazing.  Have you ever seen a cactus before?  How about hundreds of them stretched out for miles along red, rocky hills?  Blue skies, only interrupted by an occasional cloud.  And then, during the right season, when the clouds do decide to roll in, they assist in creating the most amazing sunsets in the world.  Sunsets where the whole sky is on fire.  My good friend, Nicki, sent me a picture of an Arizona sunset and I'm going to add it to my slideshow so that you can see what I'm talking about.  So, for those of you who asked (none of you) about my template, that explains it.  


  1. Hey I was just wondering why you chose "that" template?

    1. thường. Lúc này Tiêu Viêm, lộ ra một mạt thị huyết dáng tươi cười, lặng lẽ hướng phía này mấy người lục lọi đi. Tiêu Viêm hành động, có thể dùng cái này nguyên bản vắng vẻ ban đêm, sẽ trở nên không ở bình tĩnh!

      Cái này buổi tối, đã định trước điều không phải một cái bình thường ban đê gì thanh âm?" Trong đó một cái Đấu Thánh lập tức cả kinh kêu lên.

      Con mắt trát cũng không trát nhìn kia một cái bụi cây theo, sau đó, trong tay đạn tín hiệu lạp hoàn đã phóng xuất, thời khắc chuẩn bị tiến hành đạn tín hiệu thả ra, cái khác mấy người cũng đều là như vậy. Khéo tay cầm đạn tíndongtam
      game mu
      nhac san cuc manh
      tư vấn luật qua điện thoại
      dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói
      văn phòng luật
      tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
      thành lập công ty
      chém gió
      trung tâm ngoại ngữ hiệu lạp hoàn, sau đó một mặt cẩn cẩn dực dực hướng phía kia phát ra âm thanh bụi cây theo chậm rãi đi đến!

      Cái này phát ra âm thanh địa phương có thể hay không chắc hẳn cái kia tam tinh Đấu Đế giấu kín chỗ?

      Trung niên nhân một mặt chậm rãi đi đến, một mặt tự hỏi xen vào vấn đề này, ngay trung niên đại hán miên man suy nghĩ giờ, phía dưới cây nhỏ tùng cũng biến cố đột nhiên thăng, chỉ thấy khắp

  2. It was the only Arizona one I could find that was free. My future .com site will have loads of cactuses. But this one is good for now. I love the the unique shape of the rocks which starkly contrast their surrounding nothingness. It seems like such an impossible scenario to happen in nature and yet there it is. Amazing. And I will now step off my soap box. :)

  3. HA! I love that you just gave me a really great response when I was being totally sarcastic and obnoxious in my comment! I am so glad that you love AZ only 1 month and 1 week until you get to be here!!

  4. I didn't ask because I would never question why somebody would choose good ol' AZ... who wouldn't?

  5. So why do you have Arizona on the top of your blog? I don't get it.

  6. Ha, ha, ha. You are so hilarious, Kevin. By the way, everybody out there, I'll have you know that Kevin was my first critic. Yes, he was number 7 on my top ten list. He was almost written into book 2 just so I could have my main character kill him. (which wouldn't have really fit since she is not a murderer by any means) I have since gotten tougher skin to helpful criticism, so fictitious Kevin's life was spared. Now as for real life Kevin, that might be a different story altogether.... :)

  7. Anyone reading this after October 2nd is thinking, "What is she talking about?" I had to change my template, my old one was giving me issues and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. I'm technologically challenged. So I thought I'd just pick a boring old standard template and be done with it. My poor Arizona scenery...sigh.

  8. Okay, I did it, I figured out a way to still have a picture of my precious Arizona on my blog. Apparently I'm brilliant. Who knew?
