Monday, July 19, 2010

Maddeningly Unhelpful Advice-How to Give Yourself a Mid-Summer Charge

We were at my mom's house last night for Sunday dinner and my 2 year old niece was playing with the light switch. My mom is getting some work done on her kitchen and this particular light switch is without a plate. So my niece is turning the switch on and off, on and off, when she starts crying and grabbing her finger.

"What happened?" my sister asked.

"I'm pretty sure she just scratched herself on the metal. I mean there's no way she shocked herself or anything. See..." I then proceeded to stick my finger INSIDE (like an idiot). Buzzing sensations radiated up my finger into my hand and arm. (It was rather unpleasant) "Yeah, never mind. She shocked herself."

Cue obnoxious laughter from entire family. I guess when people tell you not to stick your finger in a light socket, there is a reason. Fun times.

Also, if you want a good laugh, you must watch the double rainbow guy. He will give you a real charge for the week (if laughing until your stomach hurts constitutes a charge).


  1. Full on double rainbow, all the way!!! What does this mean?!?!?! sob... sob... Thanks for sharing, and it's your fault that I now have the Double Rainbow song stuck in my head!!!

  2. YES double rainbow! Just found your blog and I like you already :D

  3. *claps* Congratulations1 I think you just won the Annual Award for Stupid Actions.
    Just kidding. I hope it didn't hurt too much :)

  4. LOL! Don't you love proving people right? :)

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  6. Funny thing is, this sounds exactly like something I would do. This from a woman who coveted and used power tools while she was pregnant. (Hugs)Indigo

  7. Oh! I hate, hate, hate being shocked!!

  8. That's nothing.

    A few years ago, I was at a zoo and I was trying to take a picture of an animal. I took the camera, and lent towards the fence to get a better angle...


    I screamed and leapt up into the air before landing on my butt. My mum, a few exhibits down, looked over to me as if to say 'now what have you done?'in an exasperated tone. My dad laughed (no Father of the Year award for him), because he knew the fence was electrified.

    I keep away from electric fences now.

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  10. My poor 2yo was shocked the other day. So sad and painful. Sticking my finger in is something i would do. Oh my gosh - the double rainbow guy is...I don't know what to say about him. It's funny, but it's also awesome that he thought it was so amazing. If only we could all feel such awe at life.
    what does the double rainbow mean? No floods here buddy - you're safe. hee hee

  11. I think poor double rainbow guy got shocked one too many times. Let that be a lesson for all of us: if we want to be happy, stick our finger in a light socket a dozen times.
