Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

So normally I would spend today praising my husband and how awesome he is. Okay, so maybe I should start with that. My husband is the best. He is the most amazing, supportive husband in the world. I couldn't do what I do without him and for that I will forever be grateful.

There is another person I couldn't do what I do without and that is my agent, Michelle Wolfson. One year ago today she signed me as one of her clients. It was one of the happiest days ever and one of the best decisions I've ever made. So in honor of our one year anniversary, she agreed to let me ask her some questions. I posted the interview over at The Lucky 13s. Check it out here. Also, you should check out Michelle's blog because she's funny and smart and today she has an answer to one of the questions posted on her blog only. It's a good one.


  1. I'm headed over to check it out now. It sounds awesome! And it was so good to meet your cute self at LTUE! :)

  2. Happy valentines day anniversary Kasie and Michelle. I'm embarrassed i forgot. Kasie and I will move our valentines day to the 15th to keep this anniversary free for you two. I'm glad we all have each other, respectively.

  3. Your agent paragraph is longer than your husband paragraph. You might love her more.

  4. Now I'm intrigued. Heading over.

  5. Great interview. I read it, and then got cyber-spooked because my computer wouldn't let me click to leave a comment, so here I am again. :) Thanks for sharing!
