Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is your MC here for the right reasons?

So I'm about to admit my guilty viewing pleasure. You probably won't be surprised because I've admitted it before. It's not a secret (even if I wish it was). The Bachelor. It's true. I watch it. Every week. Religiously. I talk to my television while doing so (maybe yell or roll my eyes as well). But this week as I was watching, I was thinking about writing. For those of you screaming, "She is not about to compare the Bachelor to writing!" I say, "Why yes, yes I am."

Have you ever noticed there are some girls on the Bachelor who every time they're on a date all they can talk about is how they are there for the right reasons and they really want to be there and they are open to finding love, and blah blah blah? So the Bachelor never gets to know them at all (nor does the viewer). And then there are some girls who go on dates and are just themselves. They laugh and talk and have fun.

Have you ever noticed the same thing can happen in writing? Let's call it the 'I'm here for the right reasons' problem. Where instead of a girl just being herself and hanging out with the boy and the plot happening, she feels the need to constantly let the reader know how much she wants to be with him. How if she could only be with him her life would be complete, etc. etc. Then every time they're together they only talk about why they can or can't be together. Now I'm not saying talking about that on occasion is bad. But it can't replace a plot or a personality. And most of the time, if there's a fun or intense or intriguing plot the romantic tension develops on its own without even needing to draw attention to the fact that they want each other. The reader wants them to be together. We don't constantly need our main character to tell us she is starring in the book for the right reasons--to get the guy (this is, of course, assuming romance is a part of the books plot). We know. Believe me, we know. And if that's all she's ever telling the reader, we don't get to know her (or him) at all. And I want to know them. Let me know them!

Okay, I feel better now. :) (Can you tell I'm really annoyed with some girls on the Bachelor?)

The rest of this week I'll be in Utah for LTUE (Life, the Universe, and Everything). Is anyone else going? I want to meet my virtual friends. Let me know if you'll be there. And if you live in Utah, I highly recommend it. It's super cheap (like 30 bucks a day or something) and there are tons of amazing authors and experts there. Go here to find out more.


  1. Bachelor fans unite!

    Seriously though, this analogy made me laugh, though it's actually quite brilliant. The producers that edit/shape The Bachelor are very much trying to create a love story narrative, like any author would. And it's so true that when they focus on these girls who only talk about "this journey," and the game, and how they're "totally falling for" the dude, the viewer feels nothing for her, and nothing for her and the dude as a couple.

    I like to see real chemistry, and that involves actually having a personality, and showing that personality. Which must be hard for the producers of The Bachelor, because . . . well, look at the girls they cast.

    We'll have to discuss this theory (and this season of The Bachelor) more at LTUE. :) :) Can't wait!!

    1. Yay, I'm not alone in my shame. :) Yes, we must discuss this further in person because we don't waste enough of our lives watching it. Ha!

      I like how you refer to the bachelor as 'the dude'. :)

  2. Great analogy, because even though I don't watch the Bachelor on a regular basis, I can total see this.

    I guess that comes down to showing the tension as opposed to telling about it.

    Sounds like everyone will be at LTUE, wish I was going.

    1. Thanks, Patti. And come on, you need to watch the bachelor religiously. :) (just kidding, don't give in) Yes, it all comes back to the show versus tell, right?

      I wish you were going to LTUE too. We must meet one day.

  3. Wow, you are much deeper than I am. The only way I could relate it to my own writing was to think, "I couldn't make this stuff up," or "She'd be a great character/villain for a book."

    1. lol So deep. This is The Bachelor we're talking about, I don't know that talking about The Bachelor and using the word 'deep' can ever be used together. :) But yes, you are right in your observations as well.

  4. Kasie, I've never seen The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, but I know exactly what you're talking about. Love how almost anything can be made writerly! I guess this means we're really working when we're watching tv, right? Fun post!

  5. So excited to meet you! I used to watch The Bachelor, but haven't for a while. The Voice on the other hand... Love it. :)

  6. I don't watch the Bachelor. Mostly I watch cooking shows. So if the bachelor was a cooking bachelor maybe I'd watch him. But I get it. Your point. Have fun at LTUE. Why does everyone always want to meet in Utah? What's wrong with Texas?

  7. I haven't watched the bachelor in a while and you just reminded me why I don't. You also reminded me why I should jump back on the bachelor train. Crazy chics make for good entertaiment. And I feel normal when I watch that show.

    I'll be at LTUE. Perhaps I'll see you there. :)

  8. Due to a devil's bargain with my wife, I am also an avid Bachelor watcher. It sounds like we're having the same conversations with our TVs. I get so sick of the women constantly talking about the things they're not actually doing. Endless discussion about the nature of a relationship does not a relationship make.

    Oddly enough, I have the same problem with the Twilight movies (I say movies because I have not read the books.) I see zero romance there, just lots of analysis of something that does not exist between the two leads.

  9. Thanks, Kasie, for this. I'll probably link to this as soon as I get my thoughts together. I've been thinking a lot about characterization lately, and this says so well a point I've been trying to get straight in my head.

    Have fun at the conference. Wish I lived closer.

  10. I'm going next year!! Then I won't have a baby attached to me and will probably be able to enjoy it!

  11. Oh, I love The Bachelor too! But sadly they aren't airing it anymore here, since, like, last year. :(
    Anyway, it's funny--I was just beating an ms, and I told the writer something very similar to what you did! GReat minds... lol!
    Have fun at LTUE! <3

  12. I always hear such great things about LTUE. *sigh* Maybe someday. Have an awesome time! :)

  13. I used to have this same addiction, but weaned myself off of it. Now I'm in BAA Bachelor Addicts Anonymous. You should join. We have cupcakes and Finnish chocolate.

  14. I like the bachelor too, especially the girl that did that one thing and then the other girls were like , "whaaaaat?" And "no you didn't!" and then they have a swim party and go horseback riding and have a good cry. That may be every episode though

  15. I like the bachelor too, especially the girl that did that one thing and then the other girls were like , "whaaaaat?" And "no you didn't!" and then they have a swim party and go horseback riding and have a good cry. That may be every episode though
