Friday, February 24, 2012

Vloggin' it up

You want to see me make a fool of myself on my very first solo vlog ever (a video blog, in case you don't know blogging lingo [hi, mother])?? No? Okay, that's good.

Fine, I'll give you the link. I tackled my first dare on Friday the Thirteeners. I don't know if the dare scared me more or the whole putting myself on video for everyone to see. So maybe technically I faced two fears?


  1. So glad you made it out alive (I mean the vlogging and the orange orchard). You're absolutely darling.
    p.s. good luck with that teenage daughter. I've got one of those too.

  2. Congratulations on facing your fear! You rock. :)

  3. I had no idea you were afraid of orchards. Yay you for facing that fear. I enjoyed your video, but not your fear. I miss seeing you.

    1. Well, now that I'm older I'm not so scared to drive by them. But yes, I'm definitely still scared to walk through them at night. Dark orchards are scary. :)

  4. You're soooooooooo cute!

    And freakishly young to have a teen daughter.

    AND it's driving me crazy that I can't place which celebrity you remind me of...argharhghaghghghghgh

    1. Ha. You're too kind. Someone must've told you I'm a sucker for flattery. :) I've been told I look like Jennifer Garner and Rachel McAdams. I just think it's because I have dimples though and they do too. :)

    2. Garner!!!

      I thought McAdams but it's not that. Yes, definitely some Sydney in there.

      Hey you're hawt, own it. (Mean Girls quotes anyone?)

  5. Love it! Awesome vlogging, Kasie. :) Well done!

  6. LOVED your vlog! I think its so funny when I hear people being scared to vlog/be on video.... The only thing I am always scared of - people will make fun of my 'deep' voice lol (and I am a girl, definitely a girl lol!) :) You did great. I hope to see another one :-)

    1. Thanks, Rachel. And I have a pretty deep voice too. But yes, still scared of the video thing. :)
