Thursday, December 4, 2008

It's Too Early

Yesterday my husband, being afflicted with pink eye, asked me to sub his early morning bible study class. This class consists of about fourteen teenagers, all juniors and seniors, who get up by at least 6am every morning to make the class that starts at 6:30!!! I am obviously thoroughly impressed by any teenager who willingly wakes up earlier than s/he must. I could hardly drag myself out of bed when my alarm went off at 5:30. As I opened the garage and saw that it was still dark outside, I moaned. No one should have to get up before the sun does. In class I played a game with the kids that I called, "how many times would the teacher (me) yawn during the forty-five minute class." The guesses ranged from two to twenty-seven (no faith in me). The boy who guessed nine won. I am not a morning person. My husband does this every single morning though. I don't know if he gave me this "opportunity" to live a morning in his shoes so that it would make me appreciate him more, but if that was his goal, he accomplished it. My husband is awesome!!


  1. I only wake up at 5:30 am if it's to catch a plane to somewhere fantastic. Not to hang out with teenagers.

    Proof indeed that you are a better woman than I, Kasie West.

  2. I agree with Suzanne, but unfortunately I have kids that don't sleep and am often attending to them way to early for the likes of me. The funny thing is I keep trying to convince myslef that I can make myself a morning person, and set goals like going out to run before my kids get up. But who am I kidding.....It will never happen!

  3. Wow! What an awesome husband you have who teached Bible classes that early!!!
    I never get out of bed that early either unless it is because we are flying too. Hate to get up before the sun! You are a good wife!

  4. Tanner said (info from Hannah) that you guys are broke due to painting your cabinets. I'll send over some food storage spaghetti (remember when Todd wouldn't accept that from Jared when I needed to borrow some?).

  5. Suzanne, no, not me, I whined about it the whole time. It's Jared we are praising here. I'm with you, a plane to paradise sounds nice to me.

    Steph, I will NEVER be a morning person.

    Terri, I know, he's awesome, right?

    Erynn, yeah, will you bring us over all your backup food. :) It's not the cabinets that are putting us under, it's the stock market. Can we move in with you when Jared loses his job? :) Actually, you probably don't have any room because I heard a rumor about you too (through Tanner, of course).

  6. Huh. I'm not a morning person either. Kudos to you!

  7. Hi Kasie! I saw you on Joanne's "Whole Latte Life" and thought I would peruse your blog. It's cute!

    I often get up at least an hour before the rest of the family (husband and three teenagers) or else I don't get a shower or makeup on before dinner time!

  8. If I'm ever called to be a seminary teacher just shoot me. I, too, am NOT a morning person. The more I can sleep-in, the better.

    (I'm totally knocking on wood right now)

  9. The rumor is true. I didn't want to tell the kids because I knew the whole world would find out. The home health nurse and IV's made it too hard to hide. I'm not clever enough to come up with a story to cover that.

  10. Erynn! You crazy lady. How come you haven't called me to take the kids or anything?? Or bring you food? Are you still feeling awful? I'm going to call you next week. It's been way too long since the kids have come over anyway.

  11. Britten, I know, Jared keeps threatening that it's my turn next and just shake my head no over and over again. I wouldn't be able to do it.

  12. Super nice of you to get up that early for Jared. I would have made him tape himself the night before giving the lesson and had him run the tape over to the church for the kids the next morning.

    In his defense, he had pink eye. What a drag, no one likes to see a guy (or girl) with a bloody red eye. A little creepy if you ask me.
