Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I finished my book Captivated over the weekend and am now setting it aside for a week before I read through it and start on edits and add some final touches.  I changed the background on my blog to celebrate my little flower fairy.  Finishing a book is definitely a bitter sweet feeling.  I always miss my characters when I'm done writing them.  And for the first time in a long time, I don't have a project to jump right into.  So it may be time for a little break.  (we'll see how long that lasts.)  


  1. Girl, mega kudos to you!! Take a little break, then I bet you'll be right back at it editing/revising AND beginning a new book. You're an inspiration. Oh, and like your blog renovation too.

  2. And what an awesome book it is! Finishing reading your book was bitter-sweet feeling. I miss your characters too!

  3. Yay! I know the whole bittersweet thing, but good on ya for getting it done. At least you still have revisions, right?

  4. Congrats on ...what is this, book #99? (You don't sleep, right?)

    Enjoy your break! And I like your fairy flower background. Very springlike.

  5. Now that your finished will you come over and finish mine. I mean, it's finished, but could you do the 91st re-write? I'm kinda sick of doing it.

  6. Congrats and good luck with editing when you get there. :)

  7. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! This post had me rolling! LOL! So how long was your break for exactly? LOL!

  8. Angie, thanks. You're an inspiration too.

    Kiersten, so much excitement.

    Candi, aw, thanks.

    Nat, yes, revisions will keep me connected to them for a little longer for sure.

    Linda, it's actually #98, but really, who's counting. LOL

    Tricia, I could never finish yours. It would go from being hilarious to stupid, if I got a hold of it.

  9. Glam, yeah, editing. My favorite. LOL

    Jenni, stop laughing. Let's see, I wrote this post at 8:12, and I talked to you at about 9:30, so how long is that? LOL No, but I didn't look at it on Sunday or Monday, so really I had a nice two day break. Oh, well, editing for a good cause makes me more happy than any week long break every could have. EEEH!

  10. LOL yeah Kasie... I talked to Jenni, apparently you are back at it! Good luck lady and I'm sooo excited for you! :)

  11. So does this mean I get to read it finally??? You have me hanging on chapter 3, here!!

  12. How would you make my book any more stupid than it is already. I need someone who still has their sense of humor intact--I lost mine on re-write number 90.:)
