Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jenni James

I don't know why I have to say her full name. Probably because she has such a cool sounding full name. You can't just say Jenni. You have to say Jenni James. Kind of like Denny Crane (okay for those of you who have never seen Boston Legal that makes no sense). Anyway, back to Jenni James. This girl has more energy and passion for life than anyone I know. She has 6 kids and also finds the time to write like a mad woman. She had the awesome/brilliant idea to re-write all the Jane Austen books for teens. And let me tell you, she's done a great job of it. I've had the opportunity to read all of her books (wow, I really get around, don't I?) and they are so wonderful. In fact, if you want to read one of her books, go to (it's free) and you can read her hilariously funny Northanger Affect. It's her modernized, teenified version of Northanger Abbey. Authonomy is a pretty cool site for authors actually. Look around while you're there.

She's also co-authored a fun middle grade book with me (yes, that was a genius idea too) and written a beautifully touching middle grade book about a girl's search for God.

Jenni James is also an amazing artist. She paints beautiful portraits. And in case you are wondering, yes, I am extremely jealous of all these people who have so many talents.

This girl is like her own party. Whenever she's around there is so much energy. And not only that, she is extremely giving. She likes to share her zest for life with everyone around her. She truly wants to see others succeed.

A few tidbits about Jenni James: *Her calves are amazingly muscular. Strongest calves I've ever seen. *She has super cavity fighting saliva and has no problem sharing it. *She can sing like nobody's business (that's a good thing) *She used to direct children's plays and it shows in her writing (I can always visualize her scenes). *She is one of the most observant people I know.

You're awesome Jenni James and I'm glad we're friends. :)

Jenn Johansson, you're next. This is very fun for me.


  1. Nice post, Kasie! I love that Jenni James girl - she's sweet, funny, talented, and wishes the best for everyone. But, JJ, I'm missing your blog posts, honey!

  2. Great post about Jenni James :) I agree, gotta say the whole name. Love that girl!

    Eek, I must make arrangements to hide under a rock tomorrow. :P

  3. SIX KIDS? Wow. Now THAT is a houseful! I don't know how she has the energy to write, although I imagine she has plenty of material from which to choose!

  4. Oh, wow! Great roundup of Jenni! I had so much fun getting to know her better at the retreat. And I love her work. She really is her own party!

  5. I have to agree, she is one awesome WOMAN!! I love how much passion she puts into everything she does. How can you not have fun when you are around her? BTW, her books ROCK!!

  6. It's so true, you can't just say Jenni. It has to be Jenni James! Jenni is totally the life of the party and one of the best dramatic readers ever! She is also very giving with her time and her experience and so helpful to everyone around her.

  7. ACK! Are you kidding me??? LOL! You're so awesome... and ahem, I'm going to have to pay you back somehow! LOL!

    I'm dying here...


  8. This made me smile! And I like that: Jenni James...should be a character in one of her books, but I guess she can't use her own name!

  9. I've given you an award over on my blog. You can find it by clicking here. Just scroll all the way to the bottom of the post.

  10. Jenni was such a blast to meet! She's fun incarnate:)

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