You know how people say that there are only like twenty ideas in the world and writers are just regurgitating the same ideas in new ways? (I know, gross imagery there) I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that, but I want you to meet the girl who has no need for regurgitation. Natalie. She constantly amazes me with the unique and different ideas that come out of her brain. I’m seriously jealous.
She is a Young Adult Fantasy writer who not only comes up with interesting ideas, but usually writes them into full length novels in about a month. She’s my never-ending source of entertainment. Yes, you should be upset if you don’t get to beta for her and I am laughing smugly that I do.
So we’ve already established she’s a genius, but she is also an amazing artist. I even got the privilege of having her draw one of my main characters. She generally does a sketch a week and posts them every Saturday on her site. They’re awesome.
She is one of the hardest working writers I know. She has been working with a certain agent (who has obviously seen her genius) for a while now and everything he throws at her she handles with grace and determination.
I love this girl. She is sweet, fun, smart, knows what she wants, and I’m glad I’ve gotten to know her over the past nine months. We are very similar in a lot of ways. We're both insanely obsessive about pretty much everything we do. When I talk to her I feel I'm talking to someone who understands me in a way not a lot of people do.
Just a few tidbits about Natalie: *she loves dance dance revolution (and it shows, she’s a hottie) *she drives a car she’s named Red Velvet *she loves the color orange *she’s going to send me the rest of her book immediately *she not only writes about ninjas, but cyborgs too *she’s just plain awesome
Now, to continue on with my posts of embarrassment, Jenni James is on for Monday. Oh, and for those of you who don't know what I'm doing, I'm writing a little bit about what I know or learned about each of the girls I got to spend the weekend with at a retreat.
Gotta love Natalie... I'm hoping if I hang around her enough the creative idea gene will just ooze out of her pores and onto me. :D
ReplyDeleteYeah, it sounds gross. What you gonna do about it? :P
Whoa, the picture totally threw me off! My hair's so short! And yours is so long!
ReplyDeleteAnyway...thanks you very nice person. I guess I'm half way through the 20 story ides. That's kind of depressing, hehe.
Natalie is totally amazing. And a ton of fun too! I'm hoping that some of her work ethic and unique ideas rub off on me. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to get to know her better.
ReplyDeleteNatalie is definitely one of my favorite people! Thanks for doing these. So fun! I'm still trying to come up with something clever to cover our fun weekend.
ReplyDeleteI want to borrow Natalie's awesome shorts.
ReplyDeleteOkay so I'm not a writer, but I had the privilege of getting to go to this awesome retreat and meet all these totally cool people!! I must say that Natalie is seriously one creative chica and I loved that I got to hear some of her work. Maybe just maybe she will let me read some more so I can tell her how fabulously awesome she is.....hint, hint :)!!
ReplyDeleteAwww this is so sweet. Are you the one in the right in that pic? Because I just had to say you look SO much like Jennifer Garner there!
ReplyDeleteJenn, I know, I'm hoping for some spillage too.
ReplyDeleteNatalie, yeah, it's an old pic from our last visit. You said you always thought of me as a blonde so I thought I'd give you blonde. :) And no, you haven't used any of the regurgitated story ideas (that's what the rest of us are doing). So when you're done with your completely unique ideas, then you can join the rest of us for the 20. :)
Candi, yes, when you move back to this side of the country, we'll all hang out more and hope Natalie's creativity is contagious.
Michelle, you're thanking me now, but wait until I get to embarrass you. Mua ha ha. :)
Jessie, I'm pretty sure she'll fight you for them. They're lucky. :)
ReplyDeleteStephanie, I'm glad you got to come to the retreat too. You were so much fun. Now, write a book. :)
Stephanie (wow two stephanie's in a row), yes, I'm the one on the right. My husband actually always tells me I look like Jennifer Garner. Thanks for the compliment. I've had a few other people say that too. Especially because my hair is darker now.